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Hight Quality Yellow Car Wrap For Sale | Online Yellow Car Wrap Store

Green Car Wrap

Protecting your vehicle wrap in the winter
Wrapping your car in vinyl can prevent damage, but protecting the wrap is just as important.
Keep your car clean by cleaning it regularly
Cleaning your Yellow Car Wrap especially in harsh winter conditions, is the best way to maintain it. Wrap Guys recommends washing your vehicle at least twice a week. Although it may seem unpleasant to wash your vehicle in winter, this will help prevent contaminants such as dirt from snow travel from leaving permanent marks. Hand washing is the best method to wash vinyl wraps, as power washers can damage them.
Snow should not be allowed to turn into ice
As soon as you can, remove the snow from your vinyl wrap. If you leave snow unattended, it will turn into ice and stick to the vinyl. It can be difficult to remove.
Avoid using a scraper
While a scraper will remove ice from your vehicle, it can also scratch and peel away your vinyl car wrap. This is particularly true for window wrappings. Use a soft-bristled brush to gently remove snow from the body of your car instead of a scraper. Use the window defroster on your rear window if you have one. This will melt the snow and allow it to be safely brushed away.
How to Get Rid of the Road Salt
In the snow, road salt can stick to your car. It will also get into the creases. The chemicals in road sal will begin to eat through vinyl if left unattended. Vinyl car wraps by Wrap Guys can withstand some salt but the salts corrosion can cause serious damage over time.3M Vehicle Wraps